In an exciting announcement for fans, Arjun Kapoor, Rakul Preet Singh, and Bhumi Pednekar are set to come together on screen in the upcoming film Mere Husband Ki Biwi. The announcement was made by the film’s producers, Pooja Entertainment, through Instagram. They unveiled a motion poster that humorously features a man’s shoe caught between a stiletto and a Punjabi jutti. The caption playfully teased, “Yahaan pyaar ki geometry thodi twisted hai—kyunki ye love triangle nahi, pura circle hai!”
The movie is slated to hit theaters on February 21, 2025. Sharing his excitement, director Aziz described the film as a celebration of the complexities and humor in romantic relationships. In a recent press release, he emphasized his passion for creating wholesome, entertaining films that resonate with audiences. “I’ve always believed in making movies that bring people together, make them laugh, and spark meaningful conversations. Mere Husband Ki Biwi is exactly that—a lighthearted yet thoughtful take on love and relationships with plenty of fun moments for viewers to enjoy,” Aziz shared.